Visualization and Creating Wealth


Visualization and Creating Wealth

Oftentimes, the new year brings resolutions – with one of the top three normally being financially oriented. Many people resolve to “save more money,” “make more money,” or “manage finances better.” While it’s great to start off the new year with new goals, the problem often lies in the fact that less than 7% of Americans actually stick to their resolutions. What is the disconnect? Some experts say a lack of committed visualization.

Without going too deep into psychology, “visualization” is basically an imagery technique, which trains you to change your thinking and feelings so that you can change your behaviors, therefore achieving your desired goal. A visualization is a powerful tool that is often underutilized and misunderstood. The idea of ‘closing your eyes and envisioning yourself wealthy’ yielding actual results is often how visualization is portrayed. If only it were that easy, we would all be rich! Visualization is a skill that requires patience, commitment, and time to perfect.

One of the visualization techniques I use is based on the Theatre of the Mind by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, the author of Psych-Cybernetics. According to him, the goal of visualizing is to create a mind-body breakthrough, in order to make you feel as though you’ve been there before until the desired goal is reached. He suggests finding a quiet and comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a movie theatre. You are sitting in a seat ready to watch a scene of your future goal played out. In your visualization, you notice the movie comes into full color, and as it continues to play, your mental images become sharper and vivid. Now, you visualize yourself stepping into the movie and living your desired financial goal in the present.

This technique took practice, dedication, and patience, but I attribute it to helping me reach financial security, thereby allowing me to leave corporate America and become an independent wealth advisor. While practicing visualization, I would see the steps, behaviors, and changes needed on my part. This trained my brain to start thinking differently about money, and to successfully accrue the wealth to make the transition. I often practiced visualization in the mornings, and I continue to work on this skill for other goals.

There are a variety of visualization techniques, leaving an opportunity for trial and error. My wife swears by the constant visualization or affirmation technique – this is where you think about something long enough and it becomes reality. Again, the action is required to reach your intended goal, but the constant affirmation helps with the necessary behavior and mindset to stick with your plan until success. Another technique a friend shared with me is reward visualization, and in this method, the imagery allows you to feel, taste, hear, smell, and see the reward of your goal. Letting your senses completely takeover gives you the daily push to take action.

What are your financial resolutions? To save more? To invest more? To live a work-optional lifestyle?

How do you plan to reach those goals? A disciplined visualization practice can point you in the right direction to making the necessary steps and changes. Once you are actively working toward your goal, it is important to continue to visualize your progress, and it helps to seek advice and guidance from trusted mentors, colleagues, friends, family, and experts along the way. As a wealth advisor, I have been honored to work alongside many families to reach their financial goals. Please feel free to reach out if I may be of service to you or others.

JP WilliamsIn addition, JP Williams is the Founder of Pillar Wealth Group who lives and works near Columbus, Ohio. JP founded Pillar Wealth Group with over 17 years of experience and specializes in financial planning, retirement planning, investment management, risk management, college planning, and estate planning. Contact us today to get started with your financial wellness journey. Contact us today to schedule an introductory meeting!